We we're incredibility excited that on top of us being able to FINALLY go check out ICFF for the first time EVER, we'll get to be in NY during the best time of the year, AAAAAAAND we'll also be part of few extremely exciting satellite events happening during design week!!

Neither Dylan & I have gone and we've only been talking about it for like....8 years...and FINALLY this year we decided that we would go for realz!!! We were just hoping to go for fun and then few opportunities came along where places was doing open calls for shows....so we figured...why not?! We might as well make a worth while trip, right??

Well, lucky for us, we're able to be part of 3 awesome events!!

1. We're extra stoked (and still can't believe) that we'll be part of NOHO Design District!! NDD is organized by the talented ladies of Sight Unseen where they coordinate & curate shows to be shown all around shops and galleries in Noho.

When we got the email from Monica and Jill that our submissions got accepted and that they'll paired us with this amazing clothing brand, Zero+Maria Cornejo, I think I might have even screamed outloud for a long time....then absolute silent with me staring at my computer screen for like another hour....just in total shock.

We  just can't believe that we'll be part an all-star group and be featured along all our design crushes like Tom Dixon, Bec Brittain, Lindsey Adelmen, Jonah Takagi, Brenden Ravenhill, Tanya Aguiniga, Fort Standards, Chen Chen & Kai Williams, and companies like Roll & Hill, Areaware, The Future Perfect ...and whole a whole lot more!! I'm feeling high just thinking about all this....

So needless to say, we're MORE than ecstatic to be able to show our work at Zero+Maria Cornejo. Her work is absolutely stunning and I'm already eying up some pieces...SO TEMPTING!!!

The show will begin on MAY 18th at Zero+Maria Cornejo. More event info HERE.


2. Is another awesome show,  Raw+Unfiltered, organized by Kiel Mead and head of AmDC. Last year our Cane & Able was shown at the "USE ME" show, but we weren't able to party with all the amazing talents there.  So this year...we're definitely NOT going to miss out again!

Here's a sneak peak of what we're showing!

The show will open on SUNDAY MAY 21st at HELLER GALLERY. More event info HERE and to RSVP.


3. We'll be part of FAB's popup shop which will start on MAY 14th.  They requested a limited batch of custom red piggy banks! Aren't they cute?!

They FAB sale will beging online. More info TBA.

We're so excited for all this!!!!!EXCLAMATION MARKS FOREVER!!!!