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L&G Mentions
FINALLY the book that we've all been waiting for!! (Or at least I have!)
I seem like only yesterday when we first met Meg and got the opportunity to be in her book!
We got our copy of Meg's "Crafting A Meaningful Home" book recently and was totally blown away by the quality of it all. The beautiful cover, all the lovely colorful photos, and 27 seven amazing project by all amazing designers/artists/crafters!
Here's a little sneak peak!!
Meg and her husband.
I'm on the first page! Crazy!
L&G's Mega-Doily!
R&L's wood burned coat of arms for the Dupe!
I just love this photo...
Here are all the project & the people in the book
About the book
As the second decade of the 21st century begins, we’re more compelled than ever to find refuge in our homes and personalize our living spaces with DIY projects that celebrate who we are and where we’ve been. In Crafting a Meaningful Home, Meg Mateo Ilasco shares 27 projects that tell personal stories and celebrate heritage, all easily created on a budget. Learn how to decoupage a plate with photos of a best friend; silkscreen upholstery with folk motifs; artfully display love notes; sew a teepee from a vintage quilt top; or create family silhouettes for a festive banner. Contributed by a hip cast of well known designers from across the country, the projects are, at once, nostalgic, sentimental, and modern. Clear instructions are easy to follow, even for beginning crafters.
You can get your copy here!
We're TOTALLY stoked that L&G got a couple of mentions on Desire to Inspire's recent "Wink" (Weekend Links) Posts!
Its quite exciting to find that blogs we find inspiring are actually finding our designs to be inspring in return! That's totally exciting enough to make us raise our fists and go "hurray!"
Our first mention on their Winks (weekend links) post!
Our second Winks mention in the same month! Ok...now we're jumping up and down and running around in circles like maniacs. :)
L&G's Mega Doily rug is featured on this month's Country Living Magazine! Woot woot!
We're offering a 10% discount for the month! Just enter the discount code when checking out!
A nice spread of rope themed goods. I love those magnifying glass wrapped with jute!
It's been a while since we had any L&G news, but Mega Doily rug just got mentioned on Better Living Through Design (BLTD)!!
It's funny to be talking about this since I'm actually in the process of making a rug at this vary moment...and I have to say, as much as I'm excited to have my rug featured on the blog, I'm really sick of looking at this rug. My hand hurts right now....ow.
The lovely photo of the rug was taken by the wonderful folks over at Fancy (Thanks Sally & Erich!) and they also just launched their new website with lots of wonderful new design! So go check it out! Job well done guys!!
Featured work: Mega Doily Rug
Okay...take deep breath...
So get this...our Mega Doily Rug got featured on Lucky Magazine! This is our very first time getting our designs featured in a printed magazine! Kind of a big deal for us, since all the past mentions of L&G were all viral, (which I'm more than grateful for all the kind mentions!), but for some reason getting an actual feature in an editorial magazine makes it feel so official!
I knew before that the rug would be featured on the March issue...but totally forgot that the issue comes out a month before....so all this still caught me by surprised when I found out that the issue came out this last weekend!But on another SUPER exciting note for L&G is that I'll also be contributing to Meg Mateo Illasco's new book "Crafting a Meaningful Home" (STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books).
I had the honor to meet Meg in person last year at the Renegade Craft Fair when she was doing some book signing for her book, Craft Inc. Through some casual conversation and me getting her autographed book, we ended up talking about her new book. One thing lead to another and the next thing I know, both Chika and I were talking about projects to propose for her book and dates for a photoshoot in SF! I swear, no one was drunk when all this happened!
But this is even BIGGER deal! Don't get me wrong, blogs & magazines...I'm not making it sound like this a competition nor am I playing favorites, but I'm saying it's a bigger deal because I realized how much work goes into putting a book together from both ends. Turns out publishing a book isn't so easy...who would of thought, right?
There was so much back and forth of editing and re-editing that goes on and really made me wonder how people did this before the world wide inter-web came about...
In anyhow, the book will come out this Fall and we'll be able to share more in beginning of this summer!! I'm trying really hard not too say too much, but I'm totally excited knowing what I know and knowing how awesome this book is gonna be!
Stay tuned for more updates!!
So around last August we briefly mentioned that Meg Mateo Illasco is working on some home decor book....but we forgot to mention that both Chika & I are also gonna be her book!!
Ok, you totally want to hear the whole story, right?
Well...let me tell you! It was a total serendipitous thing.....
It all happened on lovely mid-July day in San Francisco when Chika & I traveled there to sell our goods at the Renegade Craft Fair......But this particular day was more than any other craft show days we worked at. We had the pleasure to meet Meg for the first time that day when she was doing book signing for her book "Craft Inc."
I decided to get a copy of her book to have her autograph it since I'm a big fan of her work and I love the book and wanted to get it for a friend..but instead of acting like my normal self....I some how turned into a giant dork too shy to say much besides looking awkward and mumbling some less than significant words like "uh..your books is, uh, really cool...yeah...I like how you talk about business...and stuff...but for crafters....uh...that's pretty cool...yeah, totally."
Well...those weren't the exact words..but I'm sure it was pretty close. :P
But of course, Meg was totally cool and SUPER friendly and just started asking me what I do...and as it turned out, Meg actually knew about our work!! AWESOME!
On top of what was already an exciting interaction with Meg, things just escalated from there. Next thing I know she was in our booth checking out our stuff and chatting with us as if we're already friends (I love friends!)...and JUST when I was thinking that things can't get any awesome-er..Meg all of a sudden says to me "Hey, I'm working on a home decor book and is looking for people to submit some creative projects with a personal story, you guys wanna do it?"
I looked at her like a deer in the headlight....then looked at Chika who also had the same look as me......I looked back at Meg and thought "Could this be real?!"....then realized I should provide some sort of response since she asked me a question....then finally I responded with great confidence "......yesssss?????"I totally thought it was too good to be true and thought maybe she just wanted to feel it out and so I was prepared that at some point we'll get an email from Meg saying that she found someone better with a better project or for whatever reason.....but everything fell into place....and we realized it was truly official when both Chika & I went back in SF 2 weeks after we met Meg, and found ourselves hanging out at Lisa Wong Jackson's lovely mid-century modern house doing a photo shoot with Meg, Lisa, Joy, and Joanna with Thayer Alllyson Gowdy the photographer for the book. Everything happened so fast I couldn't even register it all!!!
The book will consist of of 25+ other well-known designers/artists/crafters each with a DIY home decor project that has their personal stories or memories. We were thrilled when Meg told us all the awesome people like Joy from Oh Joy!, Lauren & Derek of The Curiosity Shoppe, Lisa Congdon, Lisa of Good on Paper, Cathy Callahan of Cathy of California, Tootie of ReForm School and more were all contributing to the book!
With a power group like that, I don't even have to know what sort of projects they are doing for me to just KNOW that this book will amazing!
Here's some photos from the shoot. I want to live in Lisa's house!Lisa & Virginia (Meg's lovely assistant) in their matching striped shirt watching the photo shoot take place.
Below are the projects that got shot that day....
My Mega-Doily Rug....Oh how I wish my living room looked like that....it looks much better than my long skinny coffee table sitting on top of it...For Chikabird, we made a Coat of Arms for the Dupe with all the graphic icons that represented us and then we wood burned them!
Joy's beautiful gold leaf glass lamp
Joanna's lovely stamped door curtain
An here's everyone sitting down for a nice lunch break. It's amazing how exhausting styling a shoot is! There were lots of moving objects back and forth going on, standing back to look at it, framing the shot with our hands, tilting our heads, squinting, and then repeat....
Yum yum almond croissants from my FAVORITE SF bakery, Tartine!!
I still couldn't really believe that this whole book thing is actually happening even after several months in when we already done the photo shoot and submitted the instructions and story...for some reason I just feared (and was trying to prepare myself) that there would still be a chance that we could get edited out.....for simply looking stupid in our photos or something like that...but they decided to keep our project! Even though I wouldn't argue one bit that I probably do look a little stupid in the photos... :P
I'm just more than excited the fact that not only will this be our FIRST time getting published in a book...it's gonna be in a book by Meg along with an amazing group of people that we've always found inspiring, too!
There's just too much awesomeness all around! Can't stand it!
The real book is plan to launch this early fall!
Stay tuned!
If you're not sick of this yet....Here's Mega Doily featured on Craft Magazine! Woo Hoo!
Besides our recent exciting mentions on D*S of our Mega-Doily rug and on Apartment Therapy, they've also been making its way around the blog-o-sphere on all sorts of blogs...oh! what a great world that is....
Just when I was starting to feel a little too depressed in this cold and rainy city....there's a beam of sunshine coming out of my computer screen with little blog people smiling and waving at me.... :D
Okay, maybe that's a little creepy...
In any case, thank you all my blog friends and confidant!!
found us on fffound!
The Coveted (of all things stylish)
Petite Pomme (lovely lifestyle blog)Crochet Today (On the Crochet Today Magazine's blog)

Crochet Spot
Chicpea Studio
Erin Everafter
Urban Flea

Anne gave a well-summarized post about L&G studio and the rug. On top of that she even provided a little wonderful history about doilies! What a great way to expand our knowledge on a daily biases, wouldn't you agree?
It's been great to see all the positive responses about my Mega-Doily rug. Thank you everyone! But with that said, there's still people with their oh-so-wonderful-but-not-so-positive comments.... I still thank them for taking the time to share their opinions....for my own amusement. Chuckle chuckle...oh they things they say...I friggin' LOVE it! :D
We're still raising the roof since yesterday's mention on D*S. (we slept with our hands up...boy was that hard!)
Jenny of {far 4} kindly shared our mention on Seattle Metropolitan blog with a flattering write up by Laura Cassidy about Chalk series!! Woot woot!
Thanks Jenny for sharing this! Thanks Laura for the kind post!
L&G finally made an official release of our Chalk-It-To-Me figures last week! The fact that we got our act together is already pretty darn exciting. BUT, we're even MORE excited to be on Design Sponge's post! AWESOME!
We're dancing around like we're raising the roof right now. Now...that's REALLY exciting!!
Dear Muji,
Why have you gone and achieved awesomeness yet again? Give the rest of us a chance will ya'?
Seriously though guys...just when I thought legos were about sold-out (star wars, sponge bob, Indiana Jones, etc) you, Muji had to come right along and inject some of that playful simplicity you so caringly distribute to everything you touch.
The result: a simple set of legos made spectacularly and invariably more interesting via a few sheets of colored paper, a hole punch, and a few basic suggestions. You've managed to remind me exactly why legos were a childhood favorite of mine...it wasn't the razzle-dazzle space ships as much as the endless possibilities of our imaginations.
Oh, but you have failed in one respect where you have also failed in the past: making it easy for an American like me to get my hands on your best products. While this product doesn't appear to be available on the US Muji site, it looks to be available on the Japanese one. Check it out.
via Design Boom
For the month of October, I'll be participating in Chelsea's (from Grain) food documentation blog, called 12 Month/12 Friends/1 Meal:
Two friends share their last meal of the day. Every month a new friend is invited to join in on a month of meals. The documentation of these feasts are collected each day.

The meals on the left are Chelsea's meals, and the meals on the right are mine.
I'll be in Taiwan for half of the month, so the documentation of the meals will be extra exciting since the food there is always so good! But in general, this project is totally up my alley, since I take photos of food all the time anyways!!
I've been posting all the meal photos on my flickr with details of what I ate.
Me hungry.....Munch munch munch.....me want food!!!
The folks at CoolHunting did a review of the Ctrl+Alt+Design show. They even included L&G's Alphabrass lamps and bench!
How exciting!
Irene from Bloesem did a brief post about L&G's storytime segment for Poppytalk. She used a photo of our living room! Yay! Thanks Irene! We love your blog and are honored that our new space made it on there! :D
This post is on the apartment we lived in Capitol Hill last year. We did a studio tour awhile back for Poppytalk. I still dream about the tall ceiling and the old word charm of the building, but we've moved on...on to bigger and better thing...maybe? We hope to do another tour of our home when we get or act together...
Here's a the "Get the look" article about our apartment:

Dylan and Jean appreciate objects, be they high design or the everyday mundane. Dylan tends to gravitate to modern, clean, technical and minimal pieces, while Jean has a way of finding items with lots of color, texture and character. They're both accumulators, so the resulting collection is a great mix of simple and complex.
"When we started the L&G shop last year, our affection for knick knacks, housewares and various eclectic objects really grew. Every time we find things for the L&G shop, we ended up keeping some stuff for ourselves. It's kind of a curse in disguise, since we still have trouble figuring out where to put everything."
Ladies and Gentlemen love to display objects they cherish, so shelves and storage are critical. Storage within storage is even better to create various divided spaces to display items from giant beakers to tiny little pods and toys. "Shelves allow us to quickly and easily change the feeling of our space and house our collection of goods. In our dream space, we would like have an entire wall of floor to ceiling shelves. It's well worth the added dusting!"
Dylan and Jean use their finds to create collages in their space. "Our permanent architecture and furniture tend to be more simple, timeless and versatile, so that they work well with whatever 'collage' of quirky objects we collect. As we develop our new space, we try to make initial decisions deliberately to change and grow over time. Every once in awhile we like to completely rearrange on a whim, too. It's always changing and evolving."
Visit Etsy's There's No Place Like Here flickr pool to view more photos of Jean and Dylan's home.
You can see the actual post, too see what they pick to get the L&G look! here.
Here's some recent picks of L&G items on other Etsy posts.
L&G item on Etsy's Finds Vintage: The art of DisplayL&G on Etsy's "A Cozy Home" gift guide.
I was browsing Etsy's great "Get the Look:Home Decor Edition" and was thrilled to find that one of the Etsy admin picked an L&G item be part of the look ! The inspiration was from the Brooklyn, NY home of illustrator Alex Eben Meyer. This happened on the 8th...I'm always little behind on the news...but I can still pretend that it just happened, right?
Here it is nonetheless! Ta-da!They picked out L&G;s vintage dart board! I had to put a heart around it. :D
You can read the article, here!
It's the first day of Lunar New Year starting today until February 13th. Dylan and I did a special guest blog for Poppytalk on some fun photos & findings we got in Chinatown. Check out Poppytalk to read more!
If you're in Seattle, there will be outdoor new year celebration this Sunday, January 31st. Click here for details. A good excuse to get some dim sum before hand!