We're SUPER DUPER excited to share that we actually got featured on "Get The Look:Home Edition"!! Our items from L&G has gotten picked for other people's spaces in the past, but now we finally got our own article! Hurray!! But being featured on Etsy was a totally unexpected surprise!
This post is on the apartment we lived in Capitol Hill last year. We did a studio tour awhile back for Poppytalk. I still dream about the tall ceiling and the old word charm of the building, but we've moved on...on to bigger and better thing...maybe? We hope to do another tour of our home when we get or act together...
Here's a the "Get the look" article about our apartment:This weekend's Get the Look: Decor is inspired by the bright and colorful Seattle, Washington apartment of Jean and Dylan of ladiesandgentlemen. When it comes to finding great deals on vintage treasures and furniture, this couple has discovered the secret. With their background in industrial design, they also enjoy the challenges of remodeling a kitchen or building custom shelves that meet the demands of displaying their many vintage collections. I recently interviewed Jean to find out more about Ladies and Gentlemen's decorating process. Read on to learn how to achieve their distinctive look.

Dylan and Jean appreciate objects, be they high design or the everyday mundane. Dylan tends to gravitate to modern, clean, technical and minimal pieces, while Jean has a way of finding items with lots of color, texture and character. They're both accumulators, so the resulting collection is a great mix of simple and complex.

"When we started the L&G shop last year, our affection for knick knacks, housewares and various eclectic objects really grew. Every time we find things for the L&G shop, we ended up keeping some stuff for ourselves. It's kind of a curse in disguise, since we still have trouble figuring out where to put everything."

Ladies and Gentlemen love to display objects they cherish, so shelves and storage are critical. Storage within storage is even better to create various divided spaces to display items from giant beakers to tiny little pods and toys. "Shelves allow us to quickly and easily change the feeling of our space and house our collection of goods. In our dream space, we would like have an entire wall of floor to ceiling shelves. It's well worth the added dusting!"

Dylan and Jean use their finds to create collages in their space. "Our permanent architecture and furniture tend to be more simple, timeless and versatile, so that they work well with whatever 'collage' of quirky objects we collect. As we develop our new space, we try to make initial decisions deliberately to change and grow over time. Every once in awhile we like to completely rearrange on a whim, too. It's always changing and evolving."

Visit Etsy's There's No Place Like Here flickr pool to view more photos of Jean and Dylan's home.

You can see the actual post, too see what they pick to get the L&G look! here.

Here's some recent picks of L&G items on other Etsy posts.
L&G item on Etsy's Finds Vintage: The art of DisplayL&G on Etsy's "A Cozy Home" gift guide.