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Getting ready for NY Design Week!

We've been feeling like Super Mario Brothers for the past week and a half trying to pass every level of finishing our products, taking photos of our work, editing the photos, sending out a newsletter & press releases,  pack & shipping our furniture & lights so it'll get to NY in time, remembering to pack our clothes (and underwear), making sure our water bottle doesn't have any water in them when going through security,  and remembering to put our shampoo, contact solution, utility knife, hammers, drill bits & screws in the checked luggage and NOT in our carry on.... 

It's usually stressful leading up to catching the flight, but once we're on the plane we feel we can at least relax a little being so far away from work...and instead be able to enjoy a view like this....the high altitude sunset and little itty bitty frost crystals that forms on the neat.

Then we land in NY....and then it's back to frantic town all over again!! So now we're on to the next challenging level of dealing with all the logistics in New York to set up our work up in time for Noho Design District!! And this level is all about doing errands in middle of Manhattan....WITH A MINI VAN! And boy did we let loose on the horn.

It's only been our first full day in NY and we're already exhausted from all the rush and trying to get everything set up!!! Luckily there was enough adrenalin going through both of us that kept us from just passing out....'s what we did and some photos of our first day

11am-1pm Arrived at Zero + Maria Cornejo to scope out the space and figure out a plan of attack on how we can set up our lights, hanging chair, floor chair, side tables and plant hangers.

Lovely window display of paper cranes in Z+MC

And me (Jean) getting distracted/tempted by all the amazing beautiful Z+MC shoes & clothes.....

1pm-2pm: Went over to Heller Gallery in Meatpacking district to deliver our Nyth bowls  for RAW+UNFILTERED show by AmDC.  We got a little sneak preview and is totally psyched to have our works be shown amongst some amazing works there. Here's our bowls next to our table buddies, Fort Standard, who made these cast bronze candelabras!

2-4pm  did some major driving around where we borrowed a 10ft ladder that we somehow fit in the mini van, then  got a bunch of light bulbs at a hardware store, and went to this awesome plant called Plantworks for plants for our plant hangers.... I got to look at some AMAZING giant plants and cacti I wish I needed. I love NY for all their little mom & pop shops with the best things.  

430pm We set up a mobile work station in our friend's classy mini van and illegally parked for an hour and a half just to claim a street parking spot by 6pm...yah....parking in Noho, that's the kind of fun logistics we love. I know I should be ashamed to even admit doing something as desperate as camping out in a van just to claim a parking spot...but it was TOTALLY worth it for the spot right outside the shop and that we didn't have to pay $12/hr. Wow...I'm totally starting to sound like a cheap old lady!  yay!

6pm-8pm: Then for 2hrs all we were able to do is hang some Aura lights before everyone at the shop had to leave!! Despite the little progress we had, I was really happy with how the lights look in front of the amazing large scale photo of Maria's clothes by Mark Borthwick,  an artist/photographer and also Maria Cornejo's husband.  Talk about a super couple....seeesh!

So now....we gotta get up in butt crack of dawn to head over there and do the rest of the set up. woo hoo!!

more & more for later!

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Red Hot Pigs!

We did a custom batch of red piggies upon Bradford's (founder of request for their upcoming popup shop during NY Design Week starting MAY 17th!

We're so thrilled to be part of all this as well other awesome events like AmDC's Raw + Unfiltered show, and Noho Design District.

Metropolis magazine mentioned both Raw + Unfiltered and FAB's popup shop as one of the destinations to check out during NY Design Week! How exciting!

We've only made a limited quantity of these babies just for the popup so get 'em while they last!



Natural Refrigerator

Korean Designer, Jihyun Ryou redesigned this beautiful refrigeration system based on historical methods of keeping fruits & vegetables fresh just like the good ol' days...

 Check out the video below of her explaining the concept and how it works...:



Sneak Peak Process Shots on Sight Unseen

We love process shots and apparently so does Sight Unseen!

They shared a nice post sharing some pics of our chairs in collaboration with Ashley for Noho Design District.

We've been pretty active on posting our process almost daily on our tumblr & Instagram (jeanLGstudio), so you can see more there, too!

Also the Sight Unseen post shows more sneak peak process shots of other talented friends from Iacoli & McAllister and Fort Standard... plus others talents we hope to meet like Caitlin MociunMakers & Brothers, Bec Brittain and more...more...more!!!

Just awesomness all around!



L&G on Craft & Culture

Lots of exciting things are in the air for L&G....we're SOOOO excited to be officially part of this new online shop, Craft & Culture, that recently launched beginning of the year!

The founders of C&C (Hana & Jason), also based in Seattle (yet another awesome point for Seattle!) has a vision to create a super well-curated platform featuring self-makers, designers and artists. They're starting off with talented local artists / designers like Meghann Sommers of &C, Ashley Helvey, Elizabeth Patterson and Actual Pain...and now added, US

We're so excited to be part of something as special as C&C. Both Hana & Jason have such a great eye and vision for the company... not only are they providing a platform for designers to sell their work, they also go an extra mile to capture the personality and work philosophy by interviewing the designers and photograph their space!

They took all these amazing photos and we're just ecstatic with how nice and professional everything looks! it DOES make a difference when a pro takes photos compare to my ghetto photo taking skills! ;P

C&C will be adding plenty more new and exciting national & international designers in the coming month, so stay tuned!



Homestead on Anthology

Thanks to our awesome friend Charlie (of OBJECT) our Homestead candlesticks got a nice little feature in the recent issue of Anthology!

anthology spring2012_1.JPG

It was a nice surprise since I got the issue literally the DAY after we had our photoshoot of our place for Anthology!! Our place is scheduled to be featured in the coming Fall issue!

anthology spring2012_2.JPG
anthology spring2012_3.JPG

I love how poetic Charlie makes them sound. :D



We're ON for NY Design Week May 18-22!!

We we're incredibility excited that on top of us being able to FINALLY go check out ICFF for the first time EVER, we'll get to be in NY during the best time of the year, AAAAAAAND we'll also be part of few extremely exciting satellite events happening during design week!!

Neither Dylan & I have gone and we've only been talking about it for like....8 years...and FINALLY this year we decided that we would go for realz!!! We were just hoping to go for fun and then few opportunities came along where places was doing open calls for we figured...why not?! We might as well make a worth while trip, right??

Well, lucky for us, we're able to be part of 3 awesome events!!

1. We're extra stoked (and still can't believe) that we'll be part of NOHO Design District!! NDD is organized by the talented ladies of Sight Unseen where they coordinate & curate shows to be shown all around shops and galleries in Noho.

When we got the email from Monica and Jill that our submissions got accepted and that they'll paired us with this amazing clothing brand, Zero+Maria Cornejo, I think I might have even screamed outloud for a long time....then absolute silent with me staring at my computer screen for like another hour....just in total shock.

We  just can't believe that we'll be part an all-star group and be featured along all our design crushes like Tom Dixon, Bec Brittain, Lindsey Adelmen, Jonah Takagi, Brenden Ravenhill, Tanya Aguiniga, Fort Standards, Chen Chen & Kai Williams, and companies like Roll & Hill, Areaware, The Future Perfect ...and whole a whole lot more!! I'm feeling high just thinking about all this....

So needless to say, we're MORE than ecstatic to be able to show our work at Zero+Maria Cornejo. Her work is absolutely stunning and I'm already eying up some pieces...SO TEMPTING!!!

The show will begin on MAY 18th at Zero+Maria Cornejo. More event info HERE.


2. Is another awesome show,  Raw+Unfiltered, organized by Kiel Mead and head of AmDC. Last year our Cane & Able was shown at the "USE ME" show, but we weren't able to party with all the amazing talents there.  So this year...we're definitely NOT going to miss out again!

Here's a sneak peak of what we're showing!

The show will open on SUNDAY MAY 21st at HELLER GALLERY. More event info HERE and to RSVP.


3. We'll be part of FAB's popup shop which will start on MAY 14th.  They requested a limited batch of custom red piggy banks! Aren't they cute?!

They FAB sale will beging online. More info TBA.

We're so excited for all this!!!!!EXCLAMATION MARKS FOREVER!!!!



Seriously...Shape Shop

We're SO excited to see photos of the Shape Shop popup on Sight Unseen they just posted!  Everything looks amazing and the range of works there is all pretty insane. They've selected works from bunch of great designers and artists, and we're just super happy to be included!

There's so much excitement that I wish I can integrate bunch of  explosive graphics like "AWESOME!" "WOW!" "AMAZING!" "NO WAY!" or "I REALLY LIKE THAT AND WOULD LIKE TO GET IT PLEASE!" are some photos of the popup:

Here's our BLOC necklaces!! yay~~

It was a total coincidence that our necklaces happened to be totally inline with the Shape Shop theme...using simple shapes and block, and even freaked me out a bit...but in the best way possible!! We hope to have these up on our site next month!

There are bunch of great things from some friendly AmDC folks ( Fort Standard, Patrick Kim, Brian Persico) and other awesome designers we've admired like, Shabd, Fredericks and Mae, Tanya Aguiniga, Fort Makers and tons MORE! See more HERE.

ON TOP of al this, Sight Unseen also released their new book!

Also, the popup will be up at Creatures of Comfort in NY until May 6th!



L&G + Ashley Helvey

This all started back in March when we went over to Ashley's moving sale (yes, I got some awesome stuff!) at first was just us doing a little shopping, but one thing lead to another, we ended up talking about a collaboration of some sort! 

This year, we REALLY REALLY want to make it out to NY for ICFF & NY Design week, since we've never been!! We firgured this would be the best time to collaborate & come up with something to submit.

We've always admired Ashley's warm & natural sensibility of using super natural materials. So we thought it would be great to merge both of our aesthetic to design & create furniture pieces for NY Design Week.  We' were so excited to hear that Ashley was just as excited about it as we are!

Our first brainstorming session was at Elliot Bay books. Without shame, we sat down and just covered the whole table with bunch of vintage books, drawings, inspirations, and materials to look at together. We were like kids in a playground going from one idea to another getting more and more excited as we talked & sketched. 

At the end of the meeting we decided to go with designing some sort of lounge chair or hanging chair...the concept & design was still a bit undefined, but we continued to explore...

We then looked at some random materials we had sitting around our house in hope to find something that can really compliment Ashley's rustic warm aesthetic and also utilizes her textile skills. 

Below are some of Ashley's felting & weaving project she was working on another day when we went over to talk. If you follow her blog, you'll quickly get a sense of how everything she captures is beautifully simple, warm, and balanced....and something that we really want to embrace.

I held on to this little tiny ball of Navajo wool sample from Ashley for the longest time...not only to look at it as a sample, but also because it was so darn cute & fuzzy! 

playing with some materials....but ended up looking like a robot!

Various cotton ropes to mock up a mini hanging chair concept

All this is still quite priliminary....but I think we've honed in on some good general direction and pallet focusing on a more natrual, simple, and warm feel.  Good thing we live & work in the same place, so we can literally look at all this 24/7!!



The Golden Day!!!

So....this is sorta kinda a big deal....well, not as big of a deal compare to the golden year...BUT still...this year, 2012, this month, March, tomorrow, the gonna be my golden birthday!!!!

Damn right.. I'll be turning 30 on the 30th!

But I'm WAAAAAAY more excited about the GOLDEN part than some silly insignificant number!

For anyone who knows me, I'm not the type of person to make a big deal out of my birthdays...(except when it involves kareoke) 

Dylan is being a TOTAL sweetheart and is planning the event, and all I know is that we'll be having an nice group community dinner at Belle Clementine, which I can't wait!!!

So all I have to worry about is how I can make myself look golden for my big day!

Yah... I know...I sound like I'm 16, but it's been awhile.  :)

(Gold image and tassels above from Confetti System)

I'm not one to go all out and cover myself gold from head to toe like getting some fancy gold evening gown, sexy gold heels, and flashy gold tooth (they all go hand in hand, right?)

...BUT I'm always up for some tasteful gold accessories!

I was looking for a button up shirt with gold accents of some sort and ended up finding THIS gold collar necklace!....that's not available anymore! Bummer!!

But I think I can make something up by sewing a gold collar to go on a simple white dress shirt to classy it up!

I also really want gold polka dots tights, but can't find it anywhere!...I guess that means I'll need to make my own polka dots on my black leggings!! :D

Of course....I would need some solid dancing like THIS pair of amazing gold & black stripped shoes from Totokaelo. DROOOOOL!

Also would love this classy Gold Cambridge Satchel (and the neon yellow,too!)

I've also been wanting a gold casio calculator watch for years now.....and I ended up finding THIS 70's vintage Casio on ebay going for about $600!'s unbelievably awesome....

Aaaaaand while we're at it, I might as well add THIS special edition Gold Hasselblad camera going for $5,000+ to the of all the things on my list on how to look golden. Why not?

Well...actually I can think of more than a doezon of reason why I shouldn't get all that! But hey...a girl can dream right?!

But, hopefully I'll be able to get at least one of those things before the NEXT golden birthday of 50!



L&G in Monocole Magazine!!!!!

Sorry to have to play favorites , BUT this one deserves a few EXTRA exclamation mark!!!! 


We LOVE this awesome UK magazine and was more than stoked to have BOTH our Chalk Piggy bank AND Perimeter Tray be featured in the April issue!!

Reading this magazine is like having THE BEST worldly European friend with phenomenal taste to hang out with you.....I just automatically feel a bit more awesome and well-informed about all the current events around the world. 

On top of all that, I get to meet the most amazing people, see the most incredible spaces and places, AND learn about  the best places to eat & shop!!! 

Now if ONLY that friend was REAL.....

BUT since I don't have a real friend like that,  that's where Monocle comes in! 

Hurray! my life is saved again!  Monocle, you're the BEST!! We're gonna be BFFs for, like, ever.




Defenders of America

Go check out THREAT (opening March 9th) by AmDC  that's all about weapon of defense in every shape & form.

Damn right this is a show about weapns! This is America we're talking about here!

All this is more about encouraging designers from all over America to all come together and have fun designing & create cool shiz.

Here's what we made....

Hit & Strangle Stick

Yup! You guessed it! You hit, then strangle! It's EASY!

This defense object is a sleek hitting stick made with the use aluminum and copper tubing and fishing rope inspired by dog catchers.

The simple telescoping action allows the defender to tighten the rope by pushing the aluminum tube forward and therefore can capture (and strangle) the invader from afar.


Now here's some REAL action!


That'll show you to never walk in the house with your shoes on!

More sneak peak of other works below:

(Photos of Kiel Mead, and other projects provided by NYTimes)

The show opens this FRIDAY, MARCH 9th (runs from March 9 to 15) At Present Company, 29 Wythe Street (North 13th Street), Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

 Also read this great interview on NYTimes with Kiel Mead  about the concept of the show....and other intense topics of discussions like, jail beating weapons, squirt guns with hydrochloric acid, and our dark sides.

Oh trust me...this is gonna be goooooood.



New for 2012!

560px wide.jpg

That's Jean serving up a fresh tray of 2012 goodness. With the holidays behind us and the NYIGF looming just ahead, it was right back to the drawing board for us in January. We were hankering to cook up something new.

As you may have picked up in past posts about our kitchen...we've been really obsessed with the combination of copper and brass with woods and leather. We've always been suckers for nostalgia and I think these materials really strike a reminiscent chord on a different...more fundamental level. 

 To that end, it only felt appropriate to pair these warm, welcoming materials with minimalist, elemental forms that celebrate the integrity of the materials without any frivolous details. The resulting collection is a bit of a departure aesthetically from our past products, but a direction we're really excited about!

Without further adieu (follow links for more details or to purchase)...


Segment Necklace: An abstract arrangement of simple shapes and warm material combination using wood, leather and metal tubes.


Perimeter Tray: A solid wood base framed with powdercoated aluminum coupled with a carrara marble cheeseboard insert.


Cylinder Shakers: Copper, Brass, and Aluminum Salt and Pepper Shakers are designed to age and patina with use.



L&G at NYIGF Jan 29-Feb 2


We can't believe it's that time again! 2011 year ended and now L&G is TOTALLY pumped for 2012 and ready to share some brand new works!

L&G will be showing an exciting brand new line of table top items & jewelry along with JOIN and eight other Northwest based studios.

So come visit us at Accent of Design at the Jacob K. Javits Center, Level 3. We'll also be right next to other talented young designers from American Design Club and A+ Young Designers.

It's gonna be a par-tay! woot woot!



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L&G in an Ukranian Magazine?!

We nearly cried when we got this in the mail! It's such a beautiful high-end design magazine...I just wish I know how to say it & read it!

 A two page spread and all!! This is the biggest feature for us EV-AH!

Also part of my amazement is actually seeing the photos we took printed in an ACTUAL magazine...especially in such nice & pretty glossy magazine paper and all!! There's something so exciting about that!!!

Most of the photos are taken by us, with the exception of our portrait by our talented friend Kyle Johnson!


Oh and ooh... how I love the stamps...

I still can't believe this amazing featuring and spread of our stuff!!

So..maybe it's NOT impossible for us to get a centerfold next time???  ;)

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