After spending most our lives in Washington surrounded by apples aplenty, we've decided to set our sights on one apple in particular... 

We're beyond excited to announce that L&G Studio will officially be moving to THE Big Apple in May 2015!  This move will usher in a new bi-coastal era for our studio: a chance to grow, create new work, expand creatively, and explore a whole new environment and lifestyle.   

Best of Both

We will always be west coasters at's part of who we are, what we believe in, and how we operate.   This move isn't about leaving that behind.  It's about taking on new challenges while being true to who we are.  It's about making new friends and keeping the old.  It's in that spirit that we will embrace both coasts with respecting arms as a bi-coastal studio.  We will be operating primarily out of this new Brooklyn studio, which will serve as our office, creative center, and assembly shop.  Meanwhile in Seattle, we will continue to work with our valued vendors, friends, and customers alike. While we will always consider the Northwest home, we are looking forward to new perspectives and inspiration on the East coast merging with our West vibes.   

Thinking back to when Dylan & I  first started, we never imagined that we could do what we're doing now....together, running a design studio full time and working side by side (without killing each other)....meeting other talented & inspiring creatives, and getting to do what we love!

I still remember the day that jumpstarted Dylan & I started thinking about working together.... It was  in 2008 when we were invited us to be part of a local design show and new design collective called JOIN Design Seattle. It was during the recession when everyone had nothing to risk besides taking matters into their own hand and start from scratch. It was during those times where people had to be resourceful and work collaboratively to form something with a collective common goal of creating a design community.  We thought we'd give it try and designed our first L&G pieces (Alpha Brass & Mega Doily Rug). Ever since then, we were hooked on creating & designing as a team. Little did we know that L&G Studio would become our full time endeavor and that we would form ever-lasting friendships with so many great studios in Seattle and beyond. 


We feel incredibly lucky and indebted to our Seattle friends and the design community who supported us, inspired us, and helped us in so many countless ways. We're committed to embrace who we are and take what we have cultivated in Seattle while applying our experiences in a whole new environment.  It's a grand experiment, but it's comforting to know we have a strong backbone of support in Seattle and it's only a plane ride away. 

So really,  this isn't at all a goodbye to our past, but hello to new beginnings!!   We can't wait to see what excitement unfolds!

