We can't believe this actually happened!!

We're SOOOOO extremely excited to share the feature our place in Anthology Magazine (issue #8) !!!! We couldn't have asked for a better feature with Anthology! We've been fans of the magazine since day one!

Both Meg & Anh-Minh are such thoughtful writers & designers that we know that everything they do is bound to be awesome! So we just feel extremely humbled to have them feature our space & us!


It's been a long time coming since Meg Mateo Ilasco (editor of Anthology) had first approached us almost 2 years ago (when they first launched Anthology) expressing interest in featuring our place. And as much as I was stoked about it, we were so hesitant to do it since we didn't think our place was on par to the quality of other Anthology spaces!!

There were so many parts of our house we wanted to change & update, and projects we wanted to complete.  So we asked to push back our feature since one of our big plans was to remodel our kitchen! Thankfully, Meg was super patient with us...and what was suppose to be a 3 months delay, lead to 6 months, then 9 months...and then finally 12 months later we (somewhat) got our act together to then finally have them do the feature of our place!!! I was surprised that they didn't decide to just give up on us... :P


But boy were we glad that we waited to do the feature...especially looking back at the BEFORE photos of our place when we first moved in 4 years ago! SO DIFFERENT!


On top of what's already an exciting feature of us & our place, we were totally surprised to see out work through out the magazine!!

Like our Homestead Candlesticks on the contents page front & center! WHAAAT?! That's cray.....

On the right, there's a little bio on the lovely Jess Chamberlain (in a red top) who wrote our story! She's worked for Sunset magazine for 10+ years and recently have branched out to do more freelance writing for other magazines. We're super lucky to have such an amazing lady write about us!


Below, our top fav blogs picks from our friends (Ashley Helvey, Kitka, and Things Organize Neatly) were mentioned in the "Making the Magazine" section. 


Here's our piggy bank (item #8) via (one of our fav shop!) Curiosity Shoppe!


Granted there are still parts of the house we're still working on as our place is a constant work in progress...

But if it weren't for Meg giving us the the opportunity, we probably wouldn't have done as much we did without the deadlines! ;)