Tricia from Taste Matters, is putting up her second annual Pietopia contest! I got totally excited when I read about her first Pietopia last year via Chelsea's blog.

What's Pietopia?
Simple! Make a pie with your own personal story/memory/or feeling!! Such as what flavor pie would describe your life and why?

It's interesting to think of a pie that represents a personal story, memory, or feeling.
I just think about how there are countless kinds of pies and how each and every pie has its own personality added to it. Pies are wholesome, pies are warm, pie are comforting...just like homemade chicken noodle soup or fresh baked cookies.
I never grew up eating those American dishes as a child with Taiwanese background, so I can't say that I have the same associations as someone who grew up eating homemade baked pies by their grandmother or mom. But I still find it interesting that even with my different background and associations with pies, I find them just as comforting as all the foods that I grow up with! (i.e. homemade dumplings, sticky rice in banana leaves, and marinated pork belly...yum!)
Maybe we're tasting more than just buttery flakey crust and warm gooey seasonal fruit....maybe we're actually "tasting" the thoughts and the heart that goes into baking the pies....

It almost like a carefully arranged Japanese Bento...where the rice balls are in the shape of a Pokemon, Hello Kitty, or in this case...pandas. Yeah....pretty ridiculous.
I suppose food made from the heart is just universal and that's just something that anyone and everyone can relate to and simply appreciate. Ahhh...the power of food. So get your aprons on and start baking! Maybe I'll bake the world's cutest pie....a pie with baby pandas, puppies, and baby's's gonna be lethal.

Entries are due July 15th!
Send them to Tricia: