I just recently found out about this non-profit organization (through Tricia), called Eat-In. An Eat-In is a group of people gathering in public in order to share a home-cooked meal.
Essentially it's using the simple idea of a potluck to make a powerful political statement about the value of sharing food, cooking from home, and bring the communities together. These Eat-In "potlucks"can be as big as 250 plus people dining all together! AWESOME!!
The very first Eat-In meal happened in Delores Park in SF back in 2008 that coincided with Slow Food Nation. I just think it's a great way to just get people out and share an awesome meal for the hell of it! Now people have organized various Eat-Ins in different cities and countries from around the world!
This Eat-Ins took place in Stuttgart, Germany, I love how they even rolled out the red carpet to dine in the middle of a plaza!
It's totally inspiring to see the amazing images of all these gatherings...
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Seattle??