Jamie & Brian from Iacoli & Mcallister (founder of JOIN:Design) made it all the way to the big apple recently to showcase some of their colorful Mini Pedestals and Frame Pendants at the "Hue Are You?" exhibit organized by the American Design Club at the Future Perfect in Brooklyn from March 20th-April 30th....I feel like I should draw a mind map for all these groups and people. But Jamie & Brian are getting tons of excitement from coast to coast! YAY!!
"Hue Are You?" is a collection of up and coming designers around the states bring together new work involving the theme of color. AmDC's mission is similar to JOIN's, where we're all joining forces to promote designs made in the U.S. of A. High-fives to all the AmDC people from the west coast! Hi-5! 5! 5! 5!...and so on.
Here are some work shown.
nesting tables, elisa werbler.
Set of color crayon rings, timothy lilles.
Furniture by Paul Loebach.
Wish we could see all the awesomeness in person! But if you can't make it to the show like us, you can see more photos on Jamie & Brian's blog.
