Last Saturday, April 12th, my older sister, Yilin had her first fashion show at the New York Fashion Academy (NYFA) where she's been studying fashion design for the past year and a half. It's a small school located in the heart of Ballard, Seattle. Not sure why they used 'New York' as their school name, but nonetheless its a fashion academy.
Yilin worked extremely hard for the past 6-7 months, designing and making clothes, recruiting models, photographers, makeup artist, hair stylist, assistance, and at the same time helping to coordinate and organize the fashion show!
I got to help her out here and there, did some brainstorming, gave some feedback, worked on her brand, went material shopping...and not to mention multiple shoe shopping trips. Overall it was super exciting to be part of it and I defiantly had a lot of fun helping her out.
I was totally impressed with the result and proud to see how creative her designs are.
You can see a low res clip of Yilin's new 2008 spring/summer line, Nouevelle, exhibiting 8 finished design pieces here.
Also you can view more photos taken by Darien So of the runway shots to get a better look of her entire collection! They're really wonderful, and I'm not just saying that because I'm her sister!!
You can get in touch with Yilin at
I'm so proud of her!....tear.

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