Finally! I got my beautiful mustard colored YOKOO scarf!! I've been obsessing over it since my last post about her amazing handmade scarves before Fall even came...I finally just had to get it. It was hard deciding the colors since they're all so amazing. Just look at all the colors of yarn on her shelf...and that great teal wall. Check out her flickr where you can see great work, great photography, great portraits, great inspiration!Not only does this scarf makes you feel like the coolest person, wearing it also keeps you warm!! DOUBLE BOO YAH! The yarn she uses is big and soft, and feels so warm&cozy even on a depressingly wet & cold Seattle day. So here's me wearing my Yokoo scarf....."Oh! you like my scarf? Yeah, I know, Me too! Oh! and you think I'm the coolest person ever as well!? aww...jeez...thanks!! yeah...I TOTALLY agree with you on that..I AM cool!"