This is it! Finally are we able to catch our breath since our move from our apartment to our NEW HOME!! Our new home is a duplex in Ballard, Seattle, where Dylan and I purchased it with Chika and her boyfriend, Jared....yes, two unmarried couples buying a place together and living next to each other. I know what you're thinking...."that's crazy!"
But besides all the fist fights, I promise you that this is actually a super well-thought out plan that's even better than the new economic bailout plan.
This is a set up where 4 designers still gets to live in a city area and work together on their first home while sharing all of their resources. And at the same time, running 2 home-based businesses (Chikabird, and L&G Vintage).
Chika took the time to write up an introduction for our group blog, Thrity. Thirtytwo (that's the last two house humbers to each side) Which will be a seperate blog from L&G blog specifically documenting all of our home improvement projects, our decorating ideas and processes, our life in Ballard and as home owners, and all the drama that happens in between....the best part. :D

So check it out!