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L&G Project


Oh The FABulous Life...

There are so many great things about being our own bosses....yes...we get to design what we want, yes...we get to make our own decisions, yes...we have totally flexible work & vacation days, and yes...we get to have slow mornings with our Chemex coffee pot that takes infinite time to make a cup of coffee...

But... even with all those perks, there's still nothing that beats the awesomeness of packing & shipping orders! Heck Yeah!

I seriously can't wait to wake up in the morning JUST to do this!!


I don't even know why we design anything really...

I should just pack & ship people empty packages just for the fun of it!


Ahh...Life is....goooooooood....for now... 

Just please please tell me that we won't be doing this for the rest of our lives!!


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Worst Day Ever...

I had to work last Saturday to finish the VERY last item for FAB.

But it was seriously ROUGH....probably the roughest day I ever experienced.

I had to sit outside under the blinding sun...


Then had get my picnic sheet out to sit and hand crochet the Mega-Doily Rug for the some sort of farm peasant! 


 And to make matter worse....


...I had to make some honey whiskey with ginger ale & mint to stay cool & hydrated,  and eat these fresh tayberries from the local farmer's market instead of a real meal.

...this work environment is just plain absurd.

I think at some point I even fainted....but no one believed me and just said I looked like I was sun tanning...or got drunk and fell asleep!! They've never had to work in the sun, crocheting a rug while being intoxicated on a Saturday! What do they know!!

ok...MAYBE I doze off a bit...but not the whole time!


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Summer Drink Recpie for D*S Behind the Bar

We love Ryan & Alissa from one of our favorite online shop, Horne, who also carries our Superior Servers on their shop!

We couldn't be more thrilled, when Ryan asked me to write something for their Behind The Bar column for Design* Sponge.

I've always loved having picnics (especially an impromptu picnic that I did for this post!). And lately I've been really into using cucumbers...even just in water! So I came up with the this Summer Cucumber Lemon Vodka drink!  You can read the entire post HERE.


The best part of doing all this was that after taking the photos, Dylan & I got to enjoy the drinks with some friends for a real picnic! is rough.....


Have a great weekend!!




FABulous Ending To Our Sale!

We've been so excited about being on FAB!!

We got ourselves geared up for our 3-day flash sale, and now our sale ended we couldn't be happier with the result and seeing the wonderful write up they did about L&G on FAB blog...(blush)

We put out a new item... Terracotta Piggies!...I love how the peachy-orangy terracotta color that makes it look more like a pig! Looks very nice for the summer, yah?

They sold out on fab for now, but they will be available soon on our site!

We really didn't know what to expect in terms of how people will respond to our work and how the sale will go...but turns out it was more than great and we actually sold out quite a few things!!




I know lot of the stuff aren't even in our shop right now, but we're in the works to put up more! Such as the new Terracotta piggies, one-off Daily Affirmation vintage mirrors, Alphabrass tables with vintage lamp parts and more!! We're planning to have our shop updated soon totally amp up our shop!!


SHOP NOW and get 10% OFF all L&G originals!

Just Enter "GIMMIE10" at checkout!

Sale end of the day on July 4th at 11:59pm PST!!



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A little progress & serenity in our space...

As we mentioned few weeks before...we've been doing some re-hauling & re-organizing of our space for ourselves and for L&G studio...

Slowly but surely we're making some progress and have moved our bedroom into what was previously our office (or more like our storage)...

It's a smaller space, but I've been loving the idea to downsize our bedroom....keeping it minimal, airy, and peaceful....We painted our room with stock white replace the previously dingy dirty off white paint....and just changing that, the room felt instantly bigger, brighter and 100 times better!

We kept one side of the wall with the chalk wall from when we painted it for the office....since it'll still be useful for those occasional late night brainstorming sessions we I didn't' have the heart to erase the adorable messages & drawings by our friends' kids from Japan during the time they stayed with us!!

Then Dylan boxed in the window with soft toned pine boards with a added function as a shallow we can incorporate some hanging plants & more plants!... LOVE!!

Then a little added color & pattern from a Ikea area rug for some warmth.Still got few more to add to the space...but overall we're gonna have it pretty paired down...with wood shelving made with cinder blocks and then have ropes & hanging rods to hang my accessories. I like the concept of "organized chaos" and love seeing selective pieces of clothes hung & displayed like makes me appreciate what I have and gets me excited about wearing the my new B&W sweater hanging on the mirror . A recent score at one of the vintage shops by Nationale & Stand Up Comedy in Portland.

This is a rare exception when I wished the whether is slightly colder so I can wear that more often! I've been practically living in it with it being so comfortable to wear!

still work in progress...can't wait to get it done!

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L&G Chalk Piggies at Crewcuts!!

So....we had to keep this hush hush until recently...and we can't wait to share this exciting news!! Our Chalk Piggies are available on Crewcuts online HERE for all the stylish & adorable kids! Like this lil' adorable girl!We've been excited about this ever since one of the buyer from J.Crew first contacted us after purchasing a piggy after the holidays!This is our first time working with a big company such as J.Crew and we were more than happy that everything went as planned and now they're actually in one of the Crewcut store in NY and online! This is totally what I envisioned where the piggies would end up... to be with stylish kids & parents and be part of both of their worlds!

I think I'll be visiting our piggies at the Crewcut store when I head to NY this coming August!
Can't wait!



All In!

Dylan speaking here,

It's on. It's totally on.

One month ago, I left my job at Henrybuilt ready to dive into L&G full time. Foolish move, bold step forward, game changer?? Time will tell. All I know is that it was time. The days of enduring 10 stressful hours at HB beginning with 7:30am meetings every day followed afterward by another 6-8 hours casting pigs, masking servers, growing L&G are over. It's time to be all in and it feels good.

Don't get me wrong, the years at HB were really formative and I'm so glad I got to work on such amazing work with such amazing people. They're creating something special there everyday and it's been so exciting to grow with the company and learn the value of producing good work. Thanks HB!

We started my first full day on the job with a company-wide meeting (Jean and I) bright and early where among other things, we set the priorities for L&G for the summer. These included:

  • master plans establishing studio space in the dupe ("progress"),
  • improving our accounting methods,
  • exploring new markets,
  • better production methods, and

You know, real business stuff! There's nothing like making a list to make something feel official :)

I've also gotten to roll up my sleeves and dig into some grunt work with some time down in the studio making piggies. Our talented friend Heath Bultman (new stuff and website coming from him soon) has been helping us fine tune production process and work on piggy 4.0. So good to have some professional input:

And then making the Cane & Able prototypes for the AMDC's USE ME show. Real hands-on woodworking, YES!

We're particularly looking forward to working on new projects like this. We've got a bunch of ideas stewing and can't wait to get them out to you the gracious public. More soon including our inspiration and process, I promise. I'm all in after all... 



Getting Our Hunger On for Portland!

I'm hoping that with any downtime before & after the Remodelista Market that we'd just eat our way through Portland....

I just saw on Remodelista mentioning Olympic Provisions where they make homemade cured meat & etc all that goodness:
All this also got me thinking that I should really try Tasty n Sons. My friend have been telling me about this place since they opened last year...and every time she talks about the all the dishes she tried for dinner & brunch there, we both would start to get hungry again.... all the while we're talking about this over dinner....
And THEN there's Le Pigeon ... for the past 4 years since I saw this place, I've made several attempts where it all failed since they're either closed for vacation or we just went at the wrong time. :(
would love to try their amazing looking dishes one of these days!!!
On top of all this, even at the day of the Remodelista Market there will be food by Koi Fusion, Oregon Ice Works, coffee by Ristretto Roasters and Bakeshop by Kim Boyce!!

I'm getting a food coma just looking and thinking about all this food...
I'm thinking that I need to come up with some major plan to hit all these places, and perhaps even do back to back meals...
So don't be surprised if you see a person lying on the side of the road in Portland at some point this weekend...most likely that will be me passed out from all the food that I'll be consuming....and there's no need to call 911....just stay calm and walk away....simply walk away....



A Great Big Mess..For A Great New Start

We've been doing some MAJOR spring cleaning, purging, and re-organizing....and pretty much turning our house upside-down! This was the state of our house shuffling everything around before we had the L&G Spring Vintage Sale! EEEEK!!

Who would have thought that we had this much stuff! (...actually probably everyone else knew except US!) ....we were THIS close on becoming hoarders buried alive...So part of the reason...besides the fact that we had hoarding issues....we also decided to do this purge so we can create a designated working space for L&G!!
This is especially important since Dylan is now OFFICIALLY working on L&G FULL TIME!!
We're gonna take L&G to the next level...make & design more things full time without killing each other!
It's been totally liberating to let go of the things we had. But mostly we're SO excited for all the new changes & the things we'll get to do for ourselves and for L&G!!

Here's what we got planned:

Turn what was previously our bedroom to L&G office:
-Expand our Dansk desk so can be usable on both sides
-Closet will become shipping & supplies area.
-Put a WHOLE wall of shelving with these CHEAP Ikea shelving system.
-Have desk lamps!

Turn what was previously our office/storage to a minimal & cozy bedroom:
-Colors: white, black, natural
-Materials: cheap pine sheets & cynder blocks for shelving, ropes & metal tubes for open hanging racks.
-plants & hanging plants!

Our main source of inspiration for our new spaces...The House Book 1974 by Terence Conran:
This book is one of our favorite go-to book for ideas when we need inspirations for our space...

Love the feel of this photo for our bedroom!!
It would be a total dream come true to have just simple open shelves like this in our office for books, stereo and things...
ahh....more storage ideas...

yah...I'd be perfectly happy if I can just live in this book...


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Sneak Peak of L&G SPRING SALE

More pics of our Spring Vintage Sale this weekend!!

We really letting go....

See? No joke.

But just to warn you, you might see us cry or fight you a bit on handing certain things over...but we promise we won't make a scene out of it...We'll try to stay strong...

SEE event details here and see more of what we gots here....But really, You need to just come HERE!

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L&G Spring Vintage Sale this WKND!

Hey there Seattle area readers. Scoot your butts over to Ballard this weekend for our first ever L&G Studio Vintage Sale.

May 21st-22nd. At the L&G studio/homestead at 2430 NW 62nd st, Seattle

Our addiction to raiding thrift stores and estate sales has gotten the best of us and before we end up on the show "Hoarding: Buried Alive" we thought we'd do some much overdue spring purging.

Our wonderful assortment includes (see more pics):

  • Classic design brands (Dansk, Hornsea, Braun, Catherine Holm, Alessi, Stelton)
  • Antique Curiosities (globes, housewares, tchotchkes, handmade ceramics)
  • Obsolete technology (typewriters, reel to reel decks, film cameras)
  • Vintage design, craft, and kids books
  • L&G original seconds, samples, and one-offs

MAY 21st, SATURDAY: Come for the choice finds! MAY 22nd, SUNDAY: get 50% off (items will be discounted all day)!



It will be hard to see the treasures we fought so hard to find leave our hands, but we know they'll be going to appreciative new homes and that just makes us feel so warm and cozy.

Excited to see you there!





L&G presents: Cane & Able

We're debuting Cane & Able at a satellite exhibit, USE ME, in conjunction with ICFF.
A simple whitened pine stool truncated by a vintage cane. A multi-purpose supportive, mobile, and hangable stool. While they typically act as a person's 3rd leg, its now acting as the 4th leg...or even 6th leg if you decide to use to take it out for a walk.

Two of em hanging out...
Detail of dowel leg construction:
Visit Cane & Able in person during ICFF week at the American Design Club's USE ME show.




We got our pieces in the show!! Woo Hoo!
This will be our first time participating in a design show in NY!! We're stoked!!  But sad that we won't be able to be part of the excitement in person.. bum bums....

Some JOIN peeps like Iacoli & McAllister, Grain, and FTI will also have stuff there!It's gonna be a pretty amazing group of designers and I'm 101% sure there will be pretty amazing stuff, there, too!
...but here's our crazy shipping mess & packaged items before shipping them out to NY...which took me all night to makeshift a custom sized box from scratch.....who does that??
I think I ended up using every types of packing material possible for this box.
It was seriously a total piece of work in itself. :P
...but i think the people at AmDC will probably forever hate me because it's probably going to be a total hassle to unwrap it.....saaaaawweeeee~!!

We'll reveal the pieces under all those mysterious foam, bubble wraps, and cardboard pieces soon!!



Fun Remodelista Market

Last Saturday's Remodelista Seattle Market went super well! We're so excited to be part of it, and meet all the talented people...and lovely ladies, Sarah & Allison of Remodelista! It was such a nice to spend the Saturday....hang out & catch up with peeps from I&M, yummy coffee & treats from Christa of Cafe Weekend....met lovely Heidi Swanson and got her new book...and then got REAL hungry looking at all the beautiful photos her book....
Below are some photos from Michael Jardine, since I still need to edit mine. heh...

We were in the Henrybuilt production space, thus explains the vinyl strips behind Dylan.
And there's him selling some our goods.Christina of Studio Patro
Mato Creative (amazing denim/indigo dyed accessories!)
Hattie Bird
Amy & Katy Carson of Bitters Co.
For those who couldn't make it to the market, don't get too bummed. Starting today, Remodelista is doing a 48hr special online sale with some sort of discount on all the things that were there (10-15% off or free shipping)
there you don't have to feel so sad for missing it!

Also we're hoping to do the next one in Portland beginning of June!! Can't wait!
photos from Michael



Seattle Remodelista Market, April 30th!

We were excited when we first heard about Remodelista coming to Seattle to organize a local design market, and will be at the Henrybuilt production/office space in Georgetown!
But then got even MORE excited when they contacted us asking if L&G would be interested in being part of the sale....we replied them with a "YES! TOTALLY!!" and way too many exclamation points after that.
Event detail:

Remodelista readers of the Northwest take note: on April 30, we're hosting our second Local Market in Seattle at henrybuilt's Georgetown location. On offer will be an array of goods from some of our favorite Seattle artisans, with an emphasis on wares for the home (as well as a dash of fashion); for good measure, we've imported a few of our favorite Northern California vendors. 

Date & Time: April 30, 11 am to 4 pm.
Location: Henrybuilt in Georgetown, 4634 Ohio Avenue South, Seattle, 98134

List of participating vendors: Bitters Co., Bainbridge Blues, Goods from the Hood, Gallant & Jones, glassybaby, Hattie Bird, Heidi Swanson, Iacoli & McAllister, Ladies & Gentlemen, Mato Creative, Marie Veronique Organics, Paper Hammer, Red Ticking, Rough Linen, Studio Patro, Sefte Living, Seabold Vintage Market, Twiggypop Ranch, Urbancase,.....

Exciting, right?!
We can't wait to see everything, get Heidi Swanson's autograph on her new book, and hopefully sell lots of L&G goods!



Drumroll....Announcing the Winners

So Thanks to everyone's contributions and efforts in participating in our little event to raise fund for Japan, we raised a total of $931. Yay! It's something! Thanks everyone for taking part of this!!

We drew 1 winner for every $500 raised. Since its pretty close to $1000, we figured we should draw 2 piggies!!
We did it the Japanese way (like getting a fortune at temples & shrines) and put everyone's tickets in the piggies, and shook it until the first names that came out...
...and the winners are Christen Coomer & Jennifer Fisher!! Congratulations!!

We didn't quite raise enough to do the drawing as planned, so we'll be giving other piggies to other relief events around. They'll be going to a good place no matter what. :)

One coming up: Seattleites Help Japan-Relief Event Part2
This Thursday April 14th 6-9pm
There's a suggested donation of $25 with 15 types of sake tasting, appetizers & desserts.
Japanese Koto Performance and silent auction. All money will be give to Peace Winds.
Please go to above link for event details.
