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Wooden Automatons

Check out these amazing handmade automatons by by Japanese artist, Kazu Harada. Besides the fact that each one looks beautifully on its own, the mechanism & the action makes them even more wonderfully magical. I can play with these all day and never get tired it. Especially this Duck one!!
Also I love the sound of this Matryoshka.
How does this work?? It's KIIIIILING me!!
Hope you have a happy & unproductive weekend watching all of Kazu's videos!



Piggies Going to Toronto!

We're sending out a small batch of Chalk Piggies to this adorable-looking kid design store in Toronto called KolKid. We wish that we're the ones going there since we've always heard great things about the city, the people...and the country in general.

I'm sure the piggies will be well taken care for once they're there and will most likely even get wonderful health care benefits.....I'm just happy to know that they'll have a wonderful life there.

Designing kiddy things has always been on our things-we-like-to-do-list....but that's opening another can of worms...but they'd at least be very cute worms.
Looking at the Kolkid webshop just make me want to start doing that! I just can't stand it!! It's all too freakin' cute!!
Perhaps someday more baby slippers...



Today's Forcast is Sunny with a Chance of Baby Shower...

Our friends from Piano Nobile just recently added wonderful new member to the group! They just had their baby girl, Clara!! Although she'll take some training to do some printing and welding for them, but soon enough she'll be able to do incredible work just like Isabelle and Nick!
For Isabelle's baby shower, I ended up making a felt baby gift similar to the needle felted pillow I made awhile back.
I wanted to make something for them that they can keep even if Clara gets older.
The stuffed cloud can be hung above the crib and also doubles as a rattle know so little Clara can play with it or drool on it or watch it float above her head!

And since I'm so felt obsessed anyways, I also made her a pair of high-top felt & leather booty...
with the top folded down...for a more casual look.
the leather bottom & lace
All wrapped up for little Clara!

I'll have more photos of the little one actually wearing the boots soon!


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Muji + Lego

Dear Muji,

Why have you gone and achieved awesomeness yet again?  Give the rest of us a chance will ya'? 

Seriously though guys...just when I thought legos were about sold-out (star wars, sponge bob, Indiana Jones, etc) you, Muji had to come right along and inject some of that playful simplicity you so caringly distribute to everything you touch. 

The result:  a simple set of legos made spectacularly and invariably more interesting via a few sheets of colored paper, a hole punch, and a few basic suggestions.  You've managed to remind me exactly why legos were a childhood favorite of wasn't the razzle-dazzle space ships as much as the endless possibilities of our imaginations. 

Oh, but you have failed in one respect where you have also failed in the past:  making it easy for an American like me to get my hands on your best products.  While this product doesn't appear to be available on the US Muji site, it looks to be available on the Japanese one.  Check it out. 


via Design Boom


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M.I.A at Obama's Inauguration? Don't worry!

For those like me who's not fortunate enough to go to DC to witness the history of our lifetime....don't worry....we have another chance to be part of it!! Thanks to the world famous building block toy company....ANYONE can go to Legoland California to witness and be part of Obama's inauguration (Via Telegraph) Lego-style! You'll get the best view...literally!! (you know..since you'll be 20 times bigger and all..)This amazing detailed installation shows LEGO Obama, LEGO Michelle, LEGO Joe, LEGO Jill on the center stage along with handful of famous people and hundreds of excited LEGO American citizens at the magnificent 7-ft tall LEGO Capitol building!! If LEGO haven't proved themselves that they're still awesome...well...they are..and they just did. If only they can actually manufacture the Obama/Biden set along with star wars and Harry Potter ones...I'd get a set.And then there's Oprah.....hiding behind the columns for some odd reason. I'm imagining LEGO Oprah balling and trying no to smear her mascara at the same time. (but is it just me or does she look a little creepy standing there in that photo?)OH! Look! they even made porta-potties for the LEGO thoughtful!! Although the LEGO people doesn't even realize that they're totally missing the inauguration as they're waiting in line!!....ooh..they're gonna be PISSED when they go back and realized they missed the whole historical event while using the porta-potties covered in LEGO crap!

This amazing installation will only be up till May of this year! So, better make it there soon, so you too, can shake hands with LEGO Obama!

Happy Obama Inauguration day!! WOOT WOOT!!


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Unlimited Fun Blocks!

Found this via Tas-Ka blog. Love this set of colorful wooden blocks. Look at all the possibilities! you can make funny faces to snakes to birds to dogs...anything! I want it for myself to play with all day!

Designed by Zoe Miller and David Goodman
They have series of beautiful photos of objects, textures, colors, and beyond. A total feast for the eyes.

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FUNtastic Legos!

A friend brought this artist installation using legos by Jan Vormann to my attention the other day. I just love this brilliant use of these bright colorful plastic Legos to to fill in between ancient bricks on the side of the buildings around Italy and Israel. What an unexpected way to incorporate these legos. The contrast of color, material, purpose, and association between the bricks and the legso are virtually the polar opposite. Yet, it seem as if that's where the Legos should live all along...just perfect.



Project Lost& moi, from Seattle

Wooden building blocks + Painted white plastic animals

=Wooden school, house, and barn building blocks on my windowsill with bunch of plastic white animal figurines lined up behind!!
From: Seattle, Washington
Why building blocks?? I've always been obsessed with wood things and toys, and those two things combined makes me very happy....VERY if I'm a kid again. I can be happy with these simple basic toys. So happy that I don't even care whether I have a Wii, the Harry Potter Lego set, or the newest Bratz dolls (those things are absolutely appalling in every way)...what can I say....I'm a simple person who appreciates simple wooden toys.
p.s. There's a folder on flickr dedicated to the whole project(click link for information) so as more people submit you can see more stories. So it won't just be about me anymore....thank goodness, because I'm starting to run out of materials!...that's actually a lie, because I can always talk about food!
