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Thoughts on New Materialism

On May 14th, we were invited to be part of a new design lecture series called People In Places to speak and write about our design approach in response to the concept of intimacy. As design explorers, we hold a core belief that objects are key to creating harmony between people, rituals, and space. Here, we’d like to share an in-depth essay expressing our contemplative process for and evolving process for discovering an object or material’s physical and implied meaning as a way to create deep meaningful relationships with the things we live with and make.


To the sand at Beach 92nd St, Rockaway Beach

As I sit with you, around you, and on you, I feel immersed and I begin to discover your complexities.  You hug my feet, you sit on my lap clinging to me.  You also run away, chased by the wind.  You are indeed a collective in a phenomenon, but on close observation, each grain of you is incredibly unique - each with your own color, shape, size, and, I presume, origin story.  But as a whole, you’re giant - quiet and tolerant, yet abrasive, persistent, and adaptive.  You seem to be a constant but you vary greatly over time, the extent to which I really have no notion of beyond the last 30 days I’ve spent observing you as a newcomer to this beach.  In that time, however, your character seems to shift greatly from day to day and I think that’s why I find you to be intriguing in a “more than meets the eye” kind of way.  Perhaps you can tell me how far you’ve traveled and from how many places your tiny grains are from?  Are there stories of the great boulders you used to be part of?  And really, how many years ago was that?  How did you get here? By way of some epic storm, a long arduous odyssey, or more mundane means?  

It’s my presumption that your path from a grand boulder to a million granules leads to some conflicts from a self-identity standpoint that you have had to come to terms with.  Just because you’ve broken into pieces doesn’t necessarily mean you’re any less of a thing -  you’ve simply divided in a way that feels more like an expansive multiplication.  As you’ve grown smaller, lighter, more nimble, and ephemeral, you’ve become sand.  At some point in your adolescence, you could probably be defined as just a singular rock, but by and by you graduated to gravel, and then to the fine granules you are now - Sand!  You’re no longer singular, but collectively an expansive ubiquitous noun and quite literally, by extension, the earth itself.  Have you entertained the possibility that you and the grain next to you were once the same rock?  Could it, therefore, stand to reason that you and I can somehow trace our roots back to some distant form of existence as simple matter?  If so, it’s great to connect again after all of these years!     

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Did you know that some of you were once put in plastic bags and shipped to me in Paris where you temporarily led a completely different existence as an “immersive interior installation”?  I pretended I knew you there, guessing what you wanted to do, could do, should do, and what you mean.  My friends and I made up a narrative about your beauty, mystery, and lore.  It was a naive, but referential moment musing of mirages we hadn’t seen and attempting to recreate them in a place where you normally wouldn’t belong.  

At this moment here at the beach, I feel I am understanding you and appreciating you much more than before.  Here and now I feel embedded in your natural habitat although I can’t be 100% sure if this is the case.  What actually did plant you here to Rockaway Beach?  Was it random acts of nature or a result of some planned human intention.  Regardless you seem free to be yourself here and I admire that.  You also seem appreciated by humans to some degree here - a rarity for us when it comes to natural resources.  


I’m not sure you realize this, but you’re delivering memories to us by sensations we don’t normally feel.   When it’s sunny and hot, we come to visit you and you get in our food and eyes and ears causing all sorts of mild discomfort yet your presence represents a freeness that exists only on the shore and further romanticized in our memories.  In this way, you offer a special value proposition.  We at once take you for granted and deeply appreciate you for being you.  


I also wonder about your future.  Are you destined to be dust?  Or concrete?  Or glass?  Or a beach for eternity?  Not many of us on the beach here think of you being the workhorse you are.  Without you, where would we be sans concrete, glass providing structure, protection, and light?  With humanity’s forceful hand, your millennia of transformation from boulder to grain is trivialized by heat and chemistry.  Pulverized and molten, you take the forms we dictate.  You’re an abiding servant - modern man’s best friend.  What’s your feeling on this?  You seem so easygoing, but how would you embrace becoming “useful” in human terms?  I can only hope as I get to know you that we grow to appreciate you for who you are - in the many forms that you come.

Sincerely,  Your secret admirer

New Materialism

At their basic level, the objects in our lives serve as mediators between thought and behavior in space and time.  We believe that objects have the power to affect this behavior and this is why we feel the topic of human-object harmony is of critical concern in an effort to shape a better future.

Our relationship to objects is a lot like our relationship with each other.  One cannot argue with the notion that surrounding yourself with positive, productive, inspiring, helpful, charismatic people will make you happier and more fulfilled.  Because objects are an intermediary between these relationships, we believe we should look for much the same in a chair as we do in a friend.

As a foundation, a useful object inspires a strong relationship.  Like a helpful friend with a pickup truck on moving day, a useful object will elicit appreciation, encourage productivity, and continuous use if it’s well-fitting of its function.  It’s a very baseline thing, yet most people can attest to the fact that few daily objects actually do this.  We’re in fact surrounded by many more “bad friend” objects than good ones.  It’s important to ask ourselves why this is and how long we can continue unhappily in such toxic relationships.  

Alongside utility sits the more complicated emotive side to an object place in the world.  With this comes the potential of an object that taps into one’s psyche in a way that creates an emotional bond between people, the ritual, and the object.  This puts an even greater responsibility and opportunity on the designer’s doorstep because anything and everything can provoke an emotional response.  It just becomes a question of what type of emotion.  The industry knows this and subverts it with consumption-driven objects sold on emotion rather than functionality.  However, just because this is the case doesn’t mean there aren’t other models design can follow.  We believe emotion and utility can align to inspire more enlightened relationships between thoughts and their behaviors - this is where a new type of materialism can emerge.


Projecting truth 

Honest intentions and thoughtfulness from the creator is something that is irrevocably embedded in the character of an object.  We believe that this is the calling of the designer to imbue an object with a positive thoughtful spirit that they would want more of in the world.  From there, in small ways, that intention inspires similar feelings in others - slowly and surely we can take greater control over what we use and why.

Observation is an honest designer’s best tool.  Before jumping to a solution, it’s imperative that we first cast aside our intentions to strip away preconceived perceptions and open ourselves to the realm of possibility.  This not only means listening to what people have bought, say they want, or are willing to buy, it means absorbing your surroundings from a point of curiosity and wonderment.  It means engaging all your senses.  It means being patient, open, flexible.  It means looking between gaps to a negative space between thinking and actions.  In that space, there are often “solutions” or clues waiting to be revealed. 

From there, it’s connecting dots.  It’s a process of framing the truth that’s been felt through metaphor, allegory, and relationships to establish meaning.  While this is the designer’s viewpoint and expression, because it comes from a place of honest observation outside of themselves, the work is a by-product of curiosity and empathy.  It’s from this point that we believe a higher level of harmony can come into being.  It’s a point at which the questions of how an object is made, what it's made out of, what it’s for, and why it’s great all have transparent answers.  While the resolution is subjective, the statement is backed not by ego, but by a desire to share in a collective experience of ritual and balance.  

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Upon Observation

An object has two facets:  

  1. It’s physicality - The attributes about the object that gives it material presence.  This materiality already has embedded truths about how it was made, what it used to be, and what it will become.  

  2. It’s implied meaning - this is everything we ascribe to the object’s function and value.  Everything about meaning is implied by human perception - including the physical form it has been given by its builder.  

We believe that in order for there to be honesty in an object, it’s physicality must be in harmony with it’s implied meaning.  To facilitate this, a designer should seek to fully comprehend the material’s truth before ascribing its meaning.  This requires a curious investigation.  

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Planes of potential

Any horizontal surface - the ground, a floor, a table, an empty shelf represents a state of silence or emptiness and horizontal plane upon which anything can be placed and any activity can play out.  

Our studio’s focus is on the furniture scale.  At this level, a horizontal surface represents a place to rest, work, socialize, observe.  While the table and chair are objects of glory, they represent a relatively finite set of possible actions:  A chair is to rest our bodies and a table is a host to our actions.  Shelving, on the other hand, has a more amorphous meaning.  On the surface, a shelf is a storage on which we archive things we aren’t presently using.  In contrast to a closet or cabinet however, the role of open shelving is invariably emotive.  An open shelf is a curio of objects that have enough value to display regardless of utility - this fact reveals a huge emotive facet to shelving’s identity in a domestic landscape.   


An object on a shelf is a performer on a stage.  When placed alone, it gives a monologue.  On a shelf, we can interview it.  There’s a reason something is put on a shelf for the first time that may be mundane, but in many cases, it’s not.  There’s some connection to that object that warrants keeping it out in view on display.  As designers we want to know why we feel compelled to archive the objects we do - so we listen to them when they’re on stage.  As we become acquainted with each other, we realize we have common interests and values and we notice things that were previously perhaps subconscious:  how an object’s smooth edges invite a touch, how sharp edges catch the light, and how a scratch or dent can be an endearing mark of character.

With several objects on a shelf, we become composers and matchmakers.  Using what we’ve learned about the objects, we create stage sets, construct characters, plots - combinations of materials and forms in search of a meaningful storyline.  We create these based on curiosity, imagination, and hypotheses alike.  There is a directness and an informality to creating on a shelf.  The shelf is a neutral ground not just formed by a horizontal plane, but a vertical backdrop that frames the objects in space and minds isolated from location, context, and function.  On a shelf, a material is allowed to have its own signature voice and we are there to receive it.  We listen, we feel, we mix, we turn, we modify, we have a dialog. 

This dialog gives way to become new things by and by.  The material combinations in the chorus eventually hit moments of harmony and resonance with us.  At this moment, our voices sync and the material is ready to become a designed object.  In the adoption of it, we volunteer to share its voice in a new light and new truth in hopes that others will hear it.  

Our goal is that our creations can become part of new human-object harmonies that give these materials an elevated place, purpose, and meaning bolstered by function and thoughtfulness.   We strive not to stifle the voice that originally spoke to us but to broadcast it over new stages - to inspire a chain of wonderment and connection.  Ears, eyes, and hands who will hopefully grow to reconsider how their thoughts and actions relate to their environment at large.


Watch the recorded lecture of People in Places 003: On Intimacy

with Chiaozza and Ladies & Gentlemen Studio



THE UNKNOWN CRAFTSMAN: A Japanese Insight into Beauty

by Soetsu Yanagi, 1972

Soetsu Yanagi 1889–1961: was a philosopher, art historian, aesthete and poet (also father of Sori Yanagi). Yanagi took noticed of the beauty in works of unknown craftsmen and became the founding father of the Japanese and Korean folk crafts movement called the Minge (民芸)Movement to protect the art from from disappearing during the Modern Industrialization era.

READ CHAPTER: Towards a Standard of Beauty

“I would like to believe that beauty is of deep importance to our modern age. Without Question, the intention of morality, philosophy, and religious belief is to bring hope, joy, peace, and freedom to mankind. But in our time religion has lost its grip. Intellectualism has undermined spiritual aspiration in most people. At this juncture, I would put the question, might not beauty, and the love of the beautiful perhaps bring peace and harmony? Could it not carry us forward to new concepts of life’s meaning? Would it not establish a fresh concept of culture? Would it not be a dove of peace between the various cultures of mankind?”

-Soetsu Yanagi

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By Hayden Herrera, 2015

This biography of Isamu Noguchi, who is known as the 'sculpturing of space’ sheds an introspective perspective of his life and his philosophy in his work and view of the world as he searches his own 'essence of sculpture'


“If sculpture is the rock, it is also the space between rocks and between the rock and a man, and the communication and contemplation between.”

-Isamu Noguchi

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STUFF MATTERS: Exploring the Marvelous Materials that Shapes Our Man-Made World

By Mark Miodownik, 2014

This book dives deep into looking into 10 different types of ubiquitous materials commonly found in everyday objects we all use. Miodownik dissects each material by looking at their chemical properties, historical origin and context and how each material become what we see and use today.


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by Shel Silverstein 1981

This is a classic children’s book and the sequel to the first book “The Missing Piece” where the missing piece embarks on a transformative journey discovering the world and itself.




A quarterly magazine and podcast that focuses on ecology, culture, and spirituality and shares a mix of introspective essays, stories, poems and practices relating to those topics.




by Ian Chillag for Radiotopia

This is a delightfully humorous yet poetic podcast where the host, Ian Chillag interviews supposed “inanimate” objects of all sorts asking them intimate questions in regards to their existence and purpose.

Episode 7: Grain of Sand (LISTEN)

Episode 17: Plane of Glass (LISTEN)



Paris Design Week 2019: Visions/Perceptions Exhibition at Triode Gallery

(Photo by L&G Studio)

During 2019 Paris Design Week, Triode Design Galeri invited Ladies & Gentlemen Studio, Calico Wallpaper, and John Hogan to envision a collaborative exhibition express the spirit of each studio’s work. As long-time friends and collaborators, all three studios came together to explore the phenomena of illusory perceptions through a series of three distinct bodies of works installed in harmony to create an environment where material realities and optical illusions mingle.

Visions / Perceptions – was an installation designed by L&G in collaboration with Calico Wallpaper and John Hogan. The installation explores the connection between material realities and optical illusions through manipulating colors, materials, and surfaces. Calico Wallpaper introduces Singing Sand, capturing the mesmerizing patterns of an atmospheric phenomenon, John Hogan presents works in glass which play with our biological responses to sensory distortion, and Ladies & Gentlemen Studio explores the ambiguity of light and shadow through a new conceptual kinetic sculpture and lights.

An iteration of L&G's past kinetic works, the studio launched Moire, a kinetic mobile that explores new dimensions of optical material effects using bent perforated sheet metal. Through an assemblage of overlapping organic shapes, a smoothly shifting composition insects with the surrounding environment revealing a complex undulation of geometries that alternate between obscured and transparent materiality. The exploration speaks to L&G's fascination with revealing the inherent qualities of ubiquitous materials in unexpected ways - here employing sheet metal to an effect that defies its typical heaviness in favor of airy lightness. The resulting effect is reminiscent of starling murmurations across a twilit horizon. Moire is an editioned series crafted by L&G Studio at their Brooklyn studio. Custom sizes, colors, and variations available on a commission basis.




Happy Summer

As the mid-year mark has come and gone, we're pausing to take a minute to reflect on some moments of wonderment from the year's experiences so far. 

2019 has brought some amazing opportunities to further explore and expand upon our vision for designing with thoughtful curiosity.  In this spirit, we want to thank you for being a part of the journey as we share some great moments!

Photo: L&G Studio

Photo: L&G Studio


We sat down with the talented Brooklyn-based designer, Fernando Mastrangelo, to speak about how we started, our process & approach, and our studio's evolution on Fernando's web channel, The Path. 

We debuted a new lighting series, Iso, a versatile plug-in swing arm lamp that brings expressive overhead light to spaces without electrical boxes.


As newcomers to the 1stDibs platform, we were honored to have a guest popup space in the grand opening of their Manhattan gallery. 

As organizers/curators of Furnishing Utopia, we ventured out to the Midwest spending 5 days exploring the utopian ideals at the root of American Modernist and reflected on how this visionary period has impacted design and our everyday life. 


Product: Myrna Pendant / Photo: Michael Yarinsky Product: Ikabana Base / Photo: Charlie Schuck

Honored to be part of a lovely project in Orient, NY by dear friend and architect Michael Yarinsky, who prominently used L&G lighting throughout the project to beautiful results! 

Some collaborations are so strong, they endure over multiple iterations.  Such is the case here as we creatively revisit and expand on past ideas with two of our favorite repeat collaborators - Kaarem and Charlie Schuck


We teamed up with Calico Wallpaper and Mud Australia to create a collaborative exhibit focused on our collective embrace of craft, process, and simplicity.  It was our first official exhibition in Milan and  also marked the debut of our Myrna lighting series.  
We ventured to Portugal to participate in a 4-day workshop focused on the country's rich artisan culture, hosted by the new bespoke brand Origin founded by designer Gabriel Tan.  The result was our Salt series, a collection of beautifully textured vases using metallic salts in the firing process to create naturally varied colors and textures.


A homecoming event of sorts as we joined up with Henrybuilt to explore the legacy and values we collectively strive towards (Dylan and Jean both worked with Henrybuilt in Seattle prior to starting L&G).  The exhibit featured select works by L&G juxtaposed thoughtfully with Henrybuilt's systems and furniture along with curated Origin accessories. Our lighting will remain on view through September 31st. 

This 4th iteration of Furnishing Utopia ushered in a new focus - the roots of American Modernism.  The exhibition entitled 'Drawing Upon Frameworks' featured a curation of drawings by the design collective on view at Herman Miller's NYC flagship through September 31st. 


We're excited to launch our first stationery product with our good friends at Poketo!  We designed a notebook to (re)introduce the use of the isometric grid for ideating and doodling. The Isometric notebook is available in Dusty Rose or Sage.

We're incredibly thrilled to be included in Poketo Founder's new book, 'Creative Spaces' a celebration of creatives, their work, and their spaces.  Featuring our studio 25+ other creatives from all around North America.   




L&G x Henrybuilt: Common Ground installation during NYC x Design

During 2019 NYCxDESIGN through September, Henrybuilt present Common Ground, a showroom installation by Dylan Davis and Jean Lee of Ladies & Gentlemen Studio, who conceived the show based on their history working with Henrybuilt and the resulting overlap of the two brands’ values, references, and methodologies.  Ladies & Gentlemen will be featuring new lighting and styled vignettes with object by Origin throughout the gallery space, responding to the Henrybuilt system’s elegant functionality by complementing it with organic forms and soft materiality.  

Common Ground will mark a reconnection of the two brands’ creative roots that can be traced back to their beginnings in Seattle, Washington.  Davis, co-founder of Ladies & Gentlemen Studio began his design career as an intern at Henrybuilt in 2005.  Davis worked closely with founder Scott Hudson to articulate the foundational standards of Henrybuilt’s system.  Lee, Davis’s co-founder at Ladies & Gentlemen, was pivotal in the development of leather products for the company.  In addition to fostering significant growth for the Henrybuilt brand, their six-year working relationship provided Davis and Lee with the philosophical and practical knowledge upon which they based Ladies & Gentlemen Studio’s driving principles.  This installation will reflect this by highlighting the intersection of the brands’ work in shaping beautifully functional spaces that celebrate elegance and simplicity.

SEE PRESS FEATURES: Surface / Sight Unseen / Wallpaper



Still / Life: L&G x Calico Wallpaper x MUD Exhibit in Milan 2019

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L&G debuted at Milan during Salone del Mobile this year with Still / Life, an exhibit presented by Calico Wallpaper in collaboration with Mud Australia. A sensorial installation that offered guests a moment of introspection, interaction, and stillness, Still / Life featured site-specific gradients by Calico Wallpaper, interiors and lighting by Ladies & Gentlemen Studio, and ceramics by Mud Australia. The spatial concept designed by studio founders Dylan Davis and Jean Lee, envisioned a space that embraced a dual state of tranquility and vitality, revealing a calming yet enriching environment that opened the senses to elemental possibilities: a momentary day dream, a fond memory, or a chance conversation. The installation incorporated elements of process and materiality from the exhibitors as a means to celebrate their collective creative energy. The lighting collection Myrna, which uses color, shape, and materiality to define intimate spaces through light was launched at this occasion.

SEE PRESS MENTIONS: Elle Decor Italia / Surface / Design Anthology


Collaborators: Calico Wallpaper / MUD Australia

Styling by: Jean Lee of L&G Studio

Photography by: Ladies & Gentlemen Studio / Lea Anouchinsky



Editorial series with Charlie Schuck and Kaarem

For L&G, we strive on the explorative spirit especially through meaningful collaborations. Collaborations for us is about bringing together like-minded creatives with different complementary perspectives, approach, skills. Furthermore, it’s about pushing each other to do something outside of what we each normally do to create something special together.

For our latest collaboration, we brought together two long-term friends (and collaborators), photographer Charlie Shuck, and clothing brand, Kaarem to do a editorial shoot exploring the duality of opposites.; solid vs. transparent, light vs dark, soft vs hard.




L&G Product Feature: Spun


In 2013, we received a simple request from a client planning guest rooms of a boutique hotel in Seattle:  design and produce a set of inexpensive, flush-mounted and pendant lamps that beautifully integrate exposed energy efficient bulbs.  With this prompt, the Spun series was born:  a versatile collection embracing and accentuating the beautiful moments within understated functionality.

Spun Sconces at Di An Di, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Image by Charlie Schuck.

We begin each design project by evaluating the basics:  what are the essential elements of the concept and how can they be honestly and beautifully appropriated towards the object's function?  

Sometimes the answer to this question is simple:  a careful exercise in proportioning and materiality that highlights the beauty of directness.  Spun is one such moment:  the cylinder shade directs light while elegantly shielding the functionality of the socket and bulb base without entirely hiding them.  Likewise, each of Spun's elements work in concert at an understated scale that aims to become an integrated element of an interior space over a singular sculptural statement. 

This approach makes Spun one of our most versatile collections.

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The Spun Collection is comprised of several variations:  the single pendant, clustered chandeliers and the flush-mount sconce, which can be installed on the wall or ceiling.  Finishes include Brushed Brass, our new Tinted Blackened Powder Coat, and Frosted Glass.  Custom finishes are also available.  

Product: Glass Spun Pendant / Photography: L&G Studio

Product: Brass Spun Cluster & Sconces in a private residence by Michael Yarinsky 




From the very beginning of our design careers, MUJI has had a special place in our hearts.  Their honest approach to material, function, and lifestyle has always been an inspiring reference point for us.

This year's NY Design Week afforded us the ultimate honor of working with MUJI to create a special installation celebrating their 10 year anniversary in the US.  

For the


Taking the form of a landscaped garden, MUJI Materials Garden featured a series of vignettes curating selections of  MUJI’s products composed with their raw source materials.

Evoking the curiosity of a garden stroll, the landscape explored the genuine origins of the products while conjuring our Visual Stories series, our on-going photo journal of compelling material compositions found in our travels and everyday life.  We imagined an experience that shares our fascination with materials - a passion we share with MUJI.


A haptic stone pathway connected each garden vignette, encouraging visitors to ponder MUJI products in a new context by wandering, exploring, and discovering the inherent beauty of the materials they originate from.

While diverse and broad MUJI's range of products is connected by their materiality and thoughtfulness.   We aimed to reflect this in the landscape by carefully juxtaposing the materials with minimal styling or finishing - letting the spirit of each material qualities speak for themselves.


While researching the installation, we studied the material origins of MUJI’s most popular products, finding moments of natural beauty in each ingredient.   The process was marked by binge watching 'How it's Made' videos, exciting field trips, and hands-on ideation. 

We were overjoyed to see visitors expressing similar curiosity...


Every year, we take NY Design Week as an opportunity to push the boundaries that define our studio. Our ongoing exploration of materiality is at the heart of everything we do at Ladies & Gentlemen Studio be it products, sculpture, environments or design experiences.

Big thanks to MUJI for an unforgettable experience!




New Collaboration Brewing

​Vase by Nicholas Nyland

We're really excited to be working with our dear friend/artist, Nicholas Nyland in creating a whole collection of wind chimes which we'll launch in mid-May!

We've been posting some process shots on our EXPLORATION page  and we'll be sharing them next week and will be exhibiting them at New York Designweek along with other new works from MAY 17-20 at Reclaim NYC and Noho Design District. (Details TBA) 

We've been a long-time fan of Nicholas' work and been wanting to work with him for years now! We love his fun & uninhibited way wanting to work with him for years now!  We love his uninhibited ceramic pieces and his use of  fun colors and  textures.

Needless to say it's going to be an exciting collaboration and we think it'll yield a really interesting result contrasted with our simple forms and material pallet!

Here are some photos from our brainstorming  session with Nicholas and at his lovely home!




Chikabird + Piano Nobile Line Debut this weekend at UCU!

If anyone is around this weekend in Seattle, please come by and say hello and check out our exciting new line of notebooks and cardcases with Piano Nobile at the BIG holiday Urban Craft Uprising show!
December 5th & 6th, 2009
11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. both days
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
Admission: FREE!
Isabelle and Nickolas of Piano Nobile runs a multi-faceted design studio where they could be described as professional designers and colalborators. Isabelle has a painting and printing background with a great sense of material, color, and texture. Nickolas on the other hand has an architecture background with mad building skills in all realms whether it be funiture, design build or a large scale printing table. I'm pretty sure he can build a pyramid.... I remember reading that in his resume somewhere....
Not only do they have the perfect print studio with their self-designed and welded textile printing set up, they're also just a short bike ride away from our studio in Ballard! It's almost too good to be true!
(and yes, convenience does matter...)
Did I mention that they have a dog named Bauhaus, and also owns a sweet vintage Vanagon and Volvo?
Can you stand it?!....I can barely keep my composure thinking about all their awesomeness.

So here it is! Our collaboration line with PN! Okay, so come to UCU to see all the goods in person! You can also go to our shop to check out the entire PN collaboration line.
