L&G Spring Vintage Sale this WKND!
Hey there Seattle area readers. Scoot your butts over to Ballard this weekend for our first ever L&G Studio Vintage Sale.
May 21st-22nd. At the L&G studio/homestead at 2430 NW 62nd st, Seattle
Our addiction to raiding thrift stores and estate sales has gotten the best of us and before we end up on the show "Hoarding: Buried Alive" we thought we'd do some much overdue spring purging.
Our wonderful assortment includes (see more pics):
- Classic design brands (Dansk, Hornsea, Braun, Catherine Holm, Alessi, Stelton)
- Antique Curiosities (globes, housewares, tchotchkes, handmade ceramics)
- Obsolete technology (typewriters, reel to reel decks, film cameras)
- Vintage design, craft, and kids books
- L&G original seconds, samples, and one-offs
MAY 21st, SATURDAY: Come for the choice finds! MAY 22nd, SUNDAY: get 50% off (items will be discounted all day)!
It will be hard to see the treasures we fought so hard to find leave our hands, but we know they'll be going to appreciative new homes and that just makes us feel so warm and cozy.
Excited to see you there!