L & G Studio

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They try to make me go to BROOKLYNrehab...

...and I say, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know, I know...bad joke....I apologize, but I just had to do it.
I want to share some neat-o purchases I made recently from one of my favorite Etsy shop...at BROOKLYNrehab!
Alyssa creates wonderful objects from jewelery, to decorative figurines, and housewares. With her product design & fashion background, her modern take on traditional inspired creations are cute, but not too childish...elegant, but not too girly...simple,but not too boring.
Kind of like me!...well... actually I'm pretty childish. I make fart jokes and throw fits if I can't get the kind of candy or ice cream I want. And...I'm pretty boring, too...since I make the same jokes all the time...same fart jokes. :PI TOTALLY excited to share these custom eggcups she makes! I had her make custom ones for "Ladies" and "Gentlemen"! Mind you that I get excited about eggcups and soft boiled eggs. Remember when I had my FIRST soft egg in an egg cup just last year?? Well, it's that time's 100, because now both Dylan and I get our own special eggcups to eat soft eggs now!
I also got the faceted metal necklace, which I absolutely love and wear all the time now. It's that kind of simple elegance that I love so much. It's perfect!
Alyssa also sent those lovely little treasures of a shell, a feather, and a porcelain slip-cast wing! It was an unexpected pleasant surprise, and so thoughtful.
I will treasure it all....and promise to never make the rehab joke again. :D
Thank you Alyssa!