L & G Studio

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Online window shopping

I picked out few dresses from Net-A-Porter, a fancy fashion site. I'm no expert on fashion by any means. Just simply know that I love these fancy dresses!
The hot pink dress by Alexander McQueen, is a great sophisticated modern sexy dress without being revealing in anyway. Katie Holms wore it well though...I have to admit...even though I don't really care for her nor Tom. But Suri is pretty cute I guess....for now.
I like both of these puffy silhouettes. Especially the giant bow on the white dress. It reminds me of the bows that I would tie...totally crooked. But they made it intentional. Smart. I love the playful elegance of it all though.

Look at THIS lovely paper dress! What a poetic piece. The texture, the ubiquitous brown paper material, the form, the way it's hung, everything about it is great and even the placement of the text and print.....PUR-CHASE!! ugh! I just totally ruined the moment and all the loveliness of this dress didn't I? How I loath the existence of Stacy London from "What not to wear"!! Why does she haunts us still!? WHY!?